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About Me

My name is Christopher Hoyle, I am 36 years old, and I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I have a Bachelors of Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Waterloo.

I am very interested in the environment and in finding ways to reduce our impact on it. As humans, we have become very dependent on fossil fuels and I’m always interested in finding ways to lower the amount of energy we consume to help lower our dependence on fossil fuels. By making changes to my daily life, I continuously strive to reduce my personal impact on the environment. I do not own a car, and rely on bicycles as my primary form of transportation. I'm able to get to most parts of the city by bike, but for further distances I take advantage of public transit.

One of my main hobbies is playing music. I’ve never considered myself an expert at any instrument in particular, but I can play many different instruments at a novice level. Having this skill has proven very useful for recording multi-track recordings because it means I can mix and combine the sounds of many different instruments. In the summer of 2009, I started a YouTube channel called cjhoylemusic where I create and share musical videos.

After about a year of producing videos for cjhoylemusic, I decided to branch out and start making non-musical videos the following summer. I bought a handheld video recorder and created a second YouTube channel titled: cjhoyle. During the summer of 2010, I was living and working outside of Bathurst, New Brunswick, on the east coast of Canada. Living in a different part of the country, I had plenty of topics to make videos about to share with my family and friends back home. These early videos included many adventures on my bike.

Soon after returning to Ontario, I started filming instructional bicycle maintenance videos. I was motivated to start producing these videos because many times when I had turned to YouTube for help with bicycle maintenance, I was really unimpressed with the videos that were available. Many of the best videos at the time were very brief with very little instruction. Also these videos didn't do a very good job of simulating real world bike problems because most were demonstrated using brand new bikes in a showroom. I was confident that I could do a much better job of teaching! The first tutorial I made was “How to Repair a Broken Spoke”, and it soon became one of my highest viewed videos. I've also posted several narrated cycling videos and bike tour videos. In addition to this, I've also made videos about various events in my daily life, and projects that I'm working on. I really enjoy designing and building things, and YouTube is a fun place to share my projects. In the winter of 2015, I built a homemade ukulele.

cjhoyle@cjhoyle.com • ©2025 Christopher Hoyle